Thursday, February 14, 2019

Make your business into an official KINGDOM BUSINESS! 346-291-3131


Let's start with the difference between a king and a priest.  Both play an important role in advancing the Kingdom however each must work in unison with one another.  You must decide if you have been called into priesthood and if so, drop everything and begin that journey now.  For the rest of us who do not have this calling from the Most High, we are considered to be kings.  A king is a servant leader who provides his time, talent and treasure.  We must be trained into leadership and as the saying goes, you're the "king of your castle."  The first thing you must do is lead yourself.  If you can lead yourself, you can lead one person.  If you can lead one person, you can lead a team.  If you can lead a team, you can lead an organization.  If you can lead an organization, you can leave a legacy.  A king must advance through the levels of leadership until he leaves a legacy.

A priest has stewardship of God's vision concerning the advancement of His Kingdom.  This enlightenment is then to be translated into teachings and lessons for the Lord's children.  Essentially the priests will raise up kings and warriors for the Kingdom to lead in the direction the Lord Almighty has chosen.  To conclude, these men of God provide VISION while the kings provide PROVISION to advance God's Kingdom.  This explains this unique partnership as the body of Christ works together as one.  He alone is the Lord of lords (priests) and the King of kings.

Have you ever heard someone say, "I own my own business"?  This is a very popular term that you'll hear many times.   These are the same people who call on or summon God fix their problems.  Almost like rubbing a genie's lamp. And then once you receive your wish you push God back to His place on high. When a professed Christian is a business owner and he gives the authority of the ownership to the Lord and ask God what He wants to do with HIS business we have just allowed God to make His ways, vision and plan to be the priority of what we do. How the business is run for His Glory, not our own. God can not bless and increase what has not been surrendered to Him. We surrender our lives, relationships, everyday life but hold our business in our own hands we cripple ourselves from HIM and His direction.

Now is the time to make your business an official Kingdom Business.  We at WHY Kingdom Business are now accepting new applicants to convert and market your business.  Our trained professional staff has prayed over every business venture and will continue to provide the best internet marketing campaigns for our clients. We specialize in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for small business start-ups and mature organizations. Here's a list of services that WHY Kingdom Business provides.

  • Business Marketing
  • Social Media Advertising
  • Website Creation
  • Graphic Design

WHY Kingdom Business

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